The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Coffee and Histamine

Coffee and histamine. It's the most asked question on my Instagram page and this site.

Unfortunately a lot of it seems to be down to the individual. About 50% seem to tolerate it, and about 50% don't. Here are some other ideas...

- Look at your coffee intake. Drink organic coffee where possible. ⁣I do think this makes a difference. But you might now be ‘that person’ asking in Starbucks if the coffee is organic l (answer; it’s not). ⁣⁣

⁣⁣- Consider avoiding coffee capsules and coffee machines that use capsules.⁣ I have found that these capsules increase my histamine symptoms. It might be the plastic in the capsules getting heated to high temperatures, or something else. ⁣⁣

- Check the story tab for loads more on coffee and histaimne.

- My fave coffee? Exhale Healthy Coffee, organic and mycotoxin free

⁣Either way, a freshly brewed coffee seems to work better for me than capsules.⁣