The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Histamine Intolerance and Skin Issues

We’ve talked regularly about the link between histamine intolerance and skin issues but I wonder if there is a link with histamine intolerance and the following:

Skin pigmentation⁣
Dark Skin Patches (probably not the technical term)⁣

There’s an interesting article on the Healing Histamine site here. Another study found a low-histamine diet improved symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

It seems that histamine could be triggering skin issues. I’ve definitely noticed that after I’ve been on holiday, my ‘cute’ (some might say) freckles are out in force⁣.

I asked my low-histamine community and some say that eating high-histamine foods triggers rosacea. It’s thought that histamine can dilate red blood cells and cause rosacea outbreaks.

The best way to identify the triggers to your skin issues is through elimination where you avoid certain foods and drinks for a given period, following which you will reintroduce them again. It may also be a good idea to keep a symptom diary before visiting the doctor.

If you suffer from skin issues, why not try a low-histamine diet? Remember, to speak to your practitioner first before trying a new diet.