The Histamine Intolerance Site

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The Three-Day Easy Low Histamine Diet

“But how do I know if I’ve got histamine intolerance?”

Good question. Symptoms massively vary from person to person which makes it hard to diagnose, and testing is tricky as our histamine levels vary by hour/day/week/month/what food we’ve just eaten, and so on.

Here’s a great test.

The Three-Day Easy Low Histamine Diet

Avoid some main high-histamine culprits for three days, and see if you start to feel better. That would be a great start. You could then take the Masterclass for next steps.

Broadly speaking, you want to avoid for three days;

- Fermented Foods
- Avocados
- Chocolate
- Fish
- Leftovers
- Citrus
- Cheeses
- Alcohol

Head over to the easy-to-use Low-Histamine Food List, complete with emojis, and avoid the foods in red. Just eat the foods in green for three days.

As always, run any new dietary regime past your practitioner first.

Don’t worry if it seems quite a restrictive list, as you can always reintroduce certain foods later on. For example, I ate cheese yesterday, erm, and chocolate.