The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Yoghurt and Histamine Intolerance

Oh, how I miss yoghurt. Yoghurt is fermented, and high histamine, and as I’ve said before, a good quality high-fat coconut yoghurt is one of those delicious foods I had to give up to reduce my histamine levels.⁣

But, perhaps not any more.⁣

This is very much a work in progress. I’ve made four batches of this, two were great, one was so-so, and one, well let’s not talk about that last batch. Oh and advance warning: I will not be held responsible for any fermenting mistakes you make.⁣

It’s coconut yoghurt made in the Instant Pot on the ‘yoghurt’ setting. I simply heated up some coconut cream and coconut milk, and then followed Instant Pot advice on making yoghurt, mixing in histamine-friendly probiotics as my starter culture. ⁣

Once in the fridge it set and I’m pretty proud of this batch. ⁣

I’m now officially a yoghurt maker. Who would have thought it? ⁣