
Here’s my special Masterclass sneak preview page for my lovely email subscribers. I hope you enjoy. Any questions just shout.

To celebrate the release of some groundbreaking histamine research, I’ve decided to make two modules from my Masterclass open to every subscriber on my mailing list for a few days.

Module 5 - Supplements and Module 6 - Hacks are available below for you.

  • Module 5: Supplements (17.37) A great section! We focus on natural approaches to deal with histamine intolerance and I share my personal experiences and favourites. As always, check with your doctor or medical practitioner before changing supplements or starting a new regime.

  • Module 6: Hacks and Biohacks (12.41) What is biohacking and how can it help with histamine intolerance? As a biohacker, I’m always on the look out for the latest tweaks and tricks to improve my histamine intolerance. Here, I share some of my HIT hacks that you’ll never heard of before.

If you’d like to subscribe, it’s the big green button!

Masterclass: The Complete Healing Guide
One time
Masterclass: The Complete Healing Guide
One time

Nothing on this page should be considered medical advice. As always, check with your doctor or medical practitioner before changing supplements or starting a new regime.