Take The Histamine Intolerance Test

Do you have histamine intolerance? Take the test

Up to 15% of people suffer from histamine intolerance. But it’s hard to know if what you are going through is histamine intolerance, or something else? So let’s find out.

Histamine intolerance symptoms vary from one individual to the other. It is a notoriously hard condition to test for. So I’ve put together this test. It may well give you an idea of whether you are suffering from the symptoms of histamine intolerance. These are some of the primary signs and symptoms that act as a wake-up call for this condition.

Histamine Intolerance Test:

Look through the below histamine-related symptoms, and make a note of how many apply to you. Then compare your score at the end.

  • Gut issues. This may arise either after eating food or before. It may be gut pain, or bowel issues

  • Diarrhea. This may be part of the abdominal pains you will encounter regularly or come on sporadically, or when your histamine bucket gets too full.

  • Bloating. Too much gas from your abdomen may also be a sign of intolerance to histamine. However, this may not be a sure sign because it may also translate to something else. (This is why histamine intolerance is so confusing.)

  • IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Nausea. Histamine-heads will be nodding at this one.

  • Chronic constipation. This is no ordinary constipation that arises from fiber shortage in the diet. You may be taking fiber frequently but still, experience constipation to a high level.

  • Inflammation. This is a really big one. Do you have a sore back/achy knees/bad wrist? Do your joints ache? Histamine can cause this.

  • Anxiety. Since it affects the central nervous system, histamine intolerance can cause anxious thoughts and feelings. You will rarely know the reason why you’re anxious.  (This can really mess with our heads – and can be one of the best things about embarking on the programs outlined elsewhere on The Histamine Intolerance Site.)

  • Shortage of breath. Sometimes you may become short of breath. Yes, uneasy breathing is a sign of histamine intolerance

  • Severe menstrual strain and pain. (Not the same as the regular cycle that occurs every month during the cycle. Only when it becomes unbearable, or becomes worse over time)

  • A boosted heart rate at times. You notice your heart racing on occasions. Your heart beats beyond the regular palpitations and might even cause a heavy feeling on the chest.

  • Any skin problems. This might include dry skin, eczema, and scaly or patchy skin.

  • Hives are very common with histamine. Small red bumps anywhere on the skin. The skin may also become itchy.

  • Exhaustion. You may be fatigued and tired and can’t understand why. Sometimes even when you had nothing much to do throughout the day.

  • Dizziness. Once in a while you may feel dizzy or sleepy out of nowhere.

  • Constant sneezes. This often occurs in the early hours of the night.

  • Watery eyes. Your eyes may be teary or watery. People think you’re crying but you’re not! They may also turn red and become itchy from time to time.

  • Running nose or blocked nose. An itchy sensation and a congested feeling may follow this.

  • Headache. This may develop from mild feelings to severe cases where it becomes chronic.

  • Tingling of the head, scalp, arms, legs, extremities. Itching, tingling, or numbness…

  • Sleeping disorders. You may encounter the inability to sleep, which may develop into insomnia. You might wake too early, or wake in the middle of the night, or find your sleep disrupted.

  • Reduced blood pressure.

  • Restless Leg Syndrome (often known as RLS) at night.

Scroll down for results.


0 symptoms: Congratulations – it looks like you don’t have histamine intolerance. But it doesn’t completely rule it out, as you may be suffering other symptoms that we haven’t covered in this test.

1 – 4 symptoms: You might have histamine intolerance. But the confusing thing about this condition is that the symptoms are so wide-ranging. The best thing to do is follow some of the pages on the rest of this site and see if you start to feel better. If you want to do this quickly, then you could take my Low Histamine Challenge.. If you start to feel better, you probably have histamine intolerance, and the great news is, you’ve found a solution too.

5 or more symptoms: The frustrating thing about histamine intolerance is it’s tough to test for it, and it’s hard to get a diagnosis. However, based on your score, it’s very possible you have histamine intolerance. You might want to take my Low Histamine Challenge and see if you start to feel better. This test is by no means conclusive but an excellent start to understanding your symptoms and starting to feel better.