We are sweltering in the middle of a heatwave here at the moment. Sometimes the heat can bring on extra signs of histamine intolerance, including skin issues. So I’ve put together some resources in the picture above to help you deal with summer histamine issues.
Look very closely and you can see me reflected in the Berkey. That’s, er, great photography skills. Anyway, apart from me in that pic you’ll see one product which I think has helped me get rid of a symptom I have suffered with for 25 years… yes 25! Without further ado, here they are.
Toxaprevent Medi Pure: My current go-to product for any histamine flare-up. This is the first summer in 25 years I’ve had no hives on my hands and feet, and I think it is because of this product. Delivered worldwide. Use code HISTAMINE5 for 5% off, and register at link above to keep that discount for life.
Berkey Water Filter: You need a decent water filter if you have histamine intolerance, especially in this heat. Pure water is so important for us lot. My Berkey is my prized possession. I have used it every day for the last five years - what value for money.
Liposomal Vitamin C: With histamine intolerance, a good liposomal Vit C is a must. I use this every day and more during flare-ups. I also took extra after each dose of vaccine. It’s more absorbable and more bioavailable than other Vit Cs. Use code HISTAMINE10 for 10% off. Unfortunately only available with discount in UK but this is a good USA option.
As I said, this is the first summer in 25 years that I haven’t had hives and it really is so wonderful.
I’m off outside to get some natural Vitamin D now. But I’m working on compiling more of these resources, and rest assured I’ll only let you know about the ones that work for me.