A Low-Histamine Bone Broth?

A Low-Histamine Bone Broth?

I love a bone broth, but a traditional bone broth cooking technique is often considered to be quite high in histamine.

So thank you to Angi Fletcher for the bone broth Inspo - she uses an instant pot and the whole thing is done in two hours.

It makes a huge amount, with a lovely rich colour and taste, and you can freeze the rest in silicone pouches like I have here.

It is so good for you, and low histamine too. Find it on her site or here’s the link.

Some brilliant practitioners love this method but I've had some messages from a few of you saying you cannot tolerate bones at all. Thank you for the feedback and that just shows how we are all different and must approach Histamine Intolerance carefully.

There is not one of our Food Polls that has had 100% yes or no and this is another one where people are split. It's valuable feedback and I'm happy to say the wonderful Beth O'Hara has a very similar meat broth you can try instead on her MastCell365 site.

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The Comprehensive Healing Guide Masterclass for Histamine Intolerance is here to transform your life.

(A big claim I know, but this is what we are aiming for, starting NOW).

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