The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Are Raspberries High in Histamine?

When life gives you raspberries...⁣

I’ve been stunned at how many people get in touch with me about histamine intolerance. We have all sorts of debates - the one about whether raspberries affect us was split completely 50/50 down the middle.⁣

They definitely give me a histamine reaction. I voted HIGH. ⁣ But I love them, so this is very disappointing.⁣

I asked my Instagram followers about raspberries and if they have any hacks so I can continue eating them. Here is what they say:

“Raspberries are tricky. If you get them -super- fresh they are usually ok, but they quickly begin to harbor mold. Sometimes it's hiding inside and sometimes you can see it on the outside. I wonder if it's the sneaky mold that's the actual issue.”

“Maybe this is one of the foods that has sent me over the histamine bucket this week..😩 I thought I was ok with them so had a few 3 days in a row (store brought then washed and froze them). I will be sending the rest off with hubbie for his lunch. Back to blueberries I go..”

“Grocery store / pre packaged ones yes they affect me. Fresh in season from local clean farm, no problem 👍🏻”

Test raspberries carefully as we all react differently.