The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Can We Hack Our Olfactory System?

Since so many of our histamine issues are in our nose (stuffy, allergy-like symptoms) can we hack our olfactory system? ⁣ 👃

It’s surprising what an energy jolt this new hack gives me.
It is an effective way to hack your smell with the power of essential oils. ⁣
They already focus on allergies, so I interviewed the CEO on my podcast and asked him specifically about histamine intolerance.
And I’m using it to help with that. ⁣🙌

FÜM is a company that sells all-natural pure essential oil inhalers. They help with energy, relaxation, beating anxiety and… hopefully allergies and histamine intolerance too. I’ll report back. ⁣👌

You can get 10% off worldwide by using the code ZESTOLOGY10.⁣

We’ve spoken lots about smells in the past on this feed, but it’s nice to be talking about pleasant smells for a change! 🤩⁣