The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Do nettle supplements help your histamine intolerance?

Do nettle supplements help your histamine intolerance? 🤔
This seems to be something that really splits people. ⁣

You can supplement with nettle, and you can drink it too. Aside from water, some say the best drinks for histamine intolerance are rooibos tea, nettle tea and peppermint tea. ⁣🍵

DISCLAIMER: Always check with your doctor or health practitioner before starting any treatment program. ⁣This is not advice, it is intended for information and discussion only.⁣

I’m not sure this nettle supplement helped me though. And I’m not sure nettle tea agrees with me. I wish it did - it’d be great to have a tea that reduces symptoms when I need it.
But as I say, I’m not sure I am feeling it.⁣