The Histamine Intolerance Site

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The Effects of Histamine Intolerance on Positive Thinking

The effects of histamine intolerance make positive thinking extremely challenging.

This can have a significant impact on mental health, as research has found that histamine issues have all sorts of mental and brain effects; “dysfunction of the histamine system may underlie some forms of apathy”, and emerging research “points the spotlight at a potentially critical player in the pathology of depression, histamine”.

In fact, there are numerous studies that reference mental energy, the brain, motivation and histamine, and yet, this is the connection that people can often miss.

All of which means we need to focus even harder on our mental approach to histamine intolerance, as the symptoms themselves make it even harder to retain a positive outlook.

On a personal note, I know that the deep mental fog that accompanies a flare-up is not at all pleasant.

Writing about histamine intolerance has not traditionally been my day job. It’s writing books and recording podcasts using the advanced mindset techniques of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and energy psychology.

But as it turns out, there's a significant link to my primary work. Because these mindset techniques and the parasympathetic nervous system are particularly important when it comes to healing.

If you are interested I offer personalised coaching services.

Have a great low histamine week - and remember to go easy on yourself when you feel low with histamine intolerance.