The Low Histamine Kitchen
Would you eat at this restaurant? One day this will actually exist. Until then, this restaurant is just a figment of my imagination.
Having trouble eating out? You can use the comprehensive emoji-based food list on this site.
And how good would this restaurant be?
Some of my followers on Instagram think this is an amazing idea. One follower on Instagram even said she fantasized about a histamine intolerance kitchen where you can choose individual ingredients on the menu rather than have no clue about what you’re eating.
To see what my followers say about the low histamine kitchen, follow me and check out my post on Instagram.
Say goodbye to mysterious gut issues, constant fatigue, aches and pains, or that never-ending blocked up nose.
The Comprehensive Healing Guide Masterclass for Histamine Intolerance is here to transform your life.
(A big claim I know, but this is what we are aiming for, starting NOW).