Chickpeas, hummus and histamine

Chickpeas, hummus and histamine

Chick peas are ranked as 😡 (high histamine) on our comprehensive Food List on the site. ⁣

SO how does it affect you?

I never fail to be surprised by histamine intolerance and how it affects different people in different ways.⁣

I regularly run ✅/😡 food polls in my instagram stories to see how people react to different foods.⁣

Nothing ever comes up as 100% either one way or the other (which is as good a reason as ever to test new foods cautiously).⁣

Recently, I thought I’d have some fun and put a food in there that is 100% an ‘avoid’ food for me - chickpeas.

And what do you know, 36% of people said they were okay ✅ with them (and we had a lot of votes).⁣

But it just goes to show we are all different - and if you are one of those that tolerate chick peas I’m happy for you.

Blog Post


Say goodbye to mysterious gut issues, constant fatigue, aches and pains, or that never-ending blocked up nose.

The Comprehensive Healing Guide Masterclass for Histamine Intolerance is here to transform your life.

(A big claim I know, but this is what we are aiming for, starting NOW).

A Low-Histamine Snack

A Low-Histamine Snack

What Are Your Favourite Histamine Lowering Foods/Supplements?

What Are Your Favourite Histamine Lowering Foods/Supplements?