The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Chickpeas, hummus and histamine

Chick peas are ranked as 😡 (high histamine) on our comprehensive Food List on the site. ⁣

SO how does it affect you?

I never fail to be surprised by histamine intolerance and how it affects different people in different ways.⁣

I regularly run ✅/😡 food polls in my instagram stories to see how people react to different foods.⁣

Nothing ever comes up as 100% either one way or the other (which is as good a reason as ever to test new foods cautiously).⁣

Recently, I thought I’d have some fun and put a food in there that is 100% an ‘avoid’ food for me - chickpeas.

And what do you know, 36% of people said they were okay ✅ with them (and we had a lot of votes).⁣

But it just goes to show we are all different - and if you are one of those that tolerate chick peas I’m happy for you.