The Histamine Intolerance Site

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What Are Your Favourite Histamine Lowering Foods/Supplements?

Foodwise for me, celery and apples are great for me, and seem to really agree with me. I'd also put ground, sprouted flaxseed in this category of agreeing with me.⁣

Along with a good liposomal Vitamin C supplement from Pure Health Supplements made with Natural Sea-Buckthorn extract. ⁣

I like most of the stuff in this pic, but I don't eat much kale and avoid lemon (high on our histamine list).

When I asked my audience on instagram what their favourite histamine lowering foods/supplements were, here's what some followers said:

Broccoli, apples and rice work great. I agree, Lipo C is magic. I find magnesium very helpful as well. I also use a natural blend that contains black sesame oil and gentian that reduces histamine. The brand is Dr.Henri Hp syrtax. I am not sure if it is available in UK but sure you can find similar ones.

Tulsi tea (holy basil) and reishi mushroom supplements.

Arugula, purple onion, black rice all high in quercitin. Vitamin B & low histamine probiotic & 800mg quercitin

We all have different favourite histamine lowering foods and supplements. It’s about testing and finding out what works for you.