Meditation Not Medication

Meditation Not Medication

Manage histamine levels

I took this picture at Verve festival recently - a lovely meditative spot, with lots of activities based around wellness. And when it comes to managing histamine levels, all the advice seems to be to look after body and mind. Dr. Ben Lynch is someone who repeatedly emphasises the importance of managing stress levels with histamine - once the stress rollercoaster gets out of control, you can find the same happens with histamine.

That’s where meditation comes in (for me anyway). Before you think - ‘meditation, pah, how will that help my histamine levels?’ read on…

If you meditate, this might be interesting. Something I have been playing with recently is a simple NLP tweak that seems to be deepening my meditation. Eyes open or closed, make sure you are looking upwards. That way, according to NLP principles, you find it much harder to access your internal dialogue and feelings. And lowering your stress levels apparently lowers histamine levels too. My sports coach friend Karl Morris uses this with his players when things aren’t going their way and I’m finding it helps with the wandering monkey mind too. For more on NLP (that’s the stuff I trained in), check out what is NLP?

And if you’re tempted to go to Verve Festival next year, maybe I’ll see you there. I just went for the day this time, but in 2020 I’ll be packing the tent.

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