The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Meditation - the Body's Natural Antihistamine

It is frustrating to be going through a histamine episode, feeling dreadful and someone suggesting, “hey why don’t you sit back and just try to chill out.”

But it really does work. At least for me it does. It's not a cure, but it helps. I like meditating in front of an infrared light.

Or with a Sensate (I'm wearing this in the pic).

I also use Binaural Beats which you can purchase as a cheap app. There are lots out there. This plays a slightly different tone in each ear, to take you into different brain wave states to take you from that high beat state that you might be in at the moment into alpha then theta, then delta – which are the states associated with deep relaxation.

I know this isn’t easy when the bucket is overflowing, but it really does help